Sunday, April 20, 2014

Coming into The Light

As you may remember from our last blog post, we are having a Light v. Dark Art Show on May 1st. In the lead up to that event, we want to encourage you to think about what light and darkness represents, how it impacts your life and ultimately how it shapes art.

The last time we posted, we posed two questions - 1) What is the point of it all? and 2) Why do we do what we do?

Today seems like the perfect opportunity to talk more about the light. After what seems like a prolonged period of darkness, the sights, sounds and feel of Spring have arrived. The trees are in full bloom. The birds are active composing new songs. The sun has broken free of the clouds. As we enter this period of growth, take the opportunity to find your perspective. Find your light, your love, and the reason why you are here.

Consider this...What would life be without light? Light sustains our very existence. Light is energy. Light represents truth and knowledge, as it reveals the secrets hidden in the shadows of darkness. Light is often related to the religious event of Easter - a hope of new beginnings, eternal life.

The brightest light versus the darkest dark, a contrast that defines our paintings as well as our lives. Without the dark we could not fully appreciate the light. In paintings, for example, the darkest areas bring clarity to the lightest aspects, making them appear even more brilliant. The same is true in life. Simply put, the good days are accentuated by having the bad ones.

Darkness in itself can be positive, however. Wine and other perishables are stored away from the warmth of the sun’s light to preserve their best characteristics and to prevent decay. Darkness is also a refuge that allows us to replenish our resources. Each night, when the sun has left us, we have the opportunity to recharge and to dream. Under the cloak of darkness, self-discovery often occurs. We are left alone with our thoughts and given the opportunity to realize more fully who we are and to grow comfortable with our own existence.

Appreciate the contrasts of light and dark. Find your perspective. Dream big. Paint your day! Put the perspective on your day, the one that YOU want.

Join us May 1st for the Light v. Dark Art Show and Wine Tasting. Take a look at how Allison Fowler and Dave Robbins have interpreted this theme and expressed it in their paintings. Take away a new perspective to color your life.

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